Consultant & practitioner

Hi, I'm Nick Elliott,

I'm an experienced UX consultant and practitioner based in Cheltenham, UK. I'm available to work on small design or research projects. I'm also available to help on a consultancy basis, using my experience as a UX design manager and design system product owner.

How I can help

I enjoy helping companies be the best they can be through great design and awesome user experiences. Here are a few ways I can help you.

  • User research

    Run research projects, identifying the real problems that will make a difference to your service or product.

    Host sessions and create resources that help bring stories to life and excite your whole product team.

  • Ideation & design

    Help engage your whole product and development team with a problem or insight. Ideate towards solutions that will elevate you above your competitors.

  • Prototyping

    Help turn your ideas into something you can test and learn from.

    From low fidelity prototypes, such as sketches, to more polished and complex artefacts using Figma or similar prototyping tools.

  • Usability testing

    Run tests to ensure you are solving the right problems in the right way.

    Help get you meaningful feedback and insights that will further improve your service or app.

  • Reviews and critiques

    Help evaluate existing apps or new designs through usability reviews and critiques.

    This will highlight insights that will help you improve the experiences you create.

  • Design systems

    Consult on how to get the most out of your design system and help create consistency and efficiency throughout the design and development process.

  • Accessibility

    Perform accessibility audits on your apps.

    Help teams with strategies to resolve issues early in your development process.

  • Emerging technologies

    Advise on the latest UX trends and emerging technologies, including how to make the most of AI tools in the workplace.


I'm a firm beliver that you're always learning. Every experience layers onto the last. Here's a few highlights of my experiences so far.


If you think I can help your business, please send me a message on LinkedIn to set up a no obligation chat. Thanks!

Website based on a template design by Vipul Jha